10. Burger Wuss by M.T. Anderson
M.T. Anderson is a very versatile author, writing award-winning historical fiction, thought-provoking science fiction and this humorous little book about self-acceptance, love and burger wars.

9. How They Croaked: the Awful Ends of the Awfully Famous by Georgia Bragg
This book not only has a humorous title but a killer (pun intended) cover. I haven't read it yet, but it's high on the to-be-read list. An irreverent title for a not so irreverent subject. Hilarious.

8. The Earth, My Butt and Other Big, Round Things by Carolyn Mackler
This book's been around for almost ten years, and the title still gets me. Mackler is known for her thoughtful stories and strong female characters, and this one is no different.

7. Hold Me Closer, Necromancer by Lish McBride
Not only is the title humorous, but the book is too. Each chapter riffs on popular tunes such as Tiny Dancer, and manages to incorporate them into the goings-on. Very clever, Ms. McBride. Very clever.

6. Angus, Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison
This entire series has hilarious titles--how appropriate for a loony, hilarious protagonist such as Georgia Nicolson. I've been laughing for a decade over these books and am sad they've come to an end.

5. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen & Seth Grahame-Smith
This first and best of the current mash-up craze. Pride & Prejudice is one of my favorite books ever, and I have a weird affinity for all things zombie. How could I not laugh at this title or the contents therein?

4. P.S. I Loathe You (or any Clique titles for that matter) by Lisi Harrison
I must admit, I've never read any Clique novels. Mean girl stories really aren't my thing. I do, however, enjoy a sort of wry amusement at the bad puns that accompany each volume of this series. What's next--Rainbow Spite?

3. I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You by Ally Carter
I always manage to get a chuckle from patrons to whom I recommend this book and they are unfamiliar with the series. Another humorous title for a humorous book.

2. Pinocchio, Vampire Slayer by Van Jensen
Who better to slay hordes of evil vampires than a wooden boy whose nose becomes stake-like with each lie he tells? The concept is genius and hilarious.

1. I am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil, and I Want to be Your Class President by Josh Lieb
A story that's not quite as hilarious as the title, but good fun all the same. Oliver Watson should have a meeting of the minds with Cadel Piggot and Artemis Fowl. That's a mash-up I'd like to read.
What book titles do you find hilarious?
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