August 31, 2009

School daze

Welcome back to another year of math quizzes and food from the caf, pep rallies and Lord of the Flies. Yep, school's back in session, and your friendly local library is here to help you survive the year. Here's three ways you can score that A:

1) Databases -- You know when your teacher assigns you research and tells you that you can't get it all off the Internet? Guess what...databases are NOT the Internet. Our Library pays money to have access to a giant collection of newspaper and magazine articles, biographies of famous (and not-so-famous) people, maps, photos, and so much more. You can access them at home too!

2) Your friendly librarian -- I promise. We don't bite. We do, however, love to help students find the info and materials that they need in order to complete school assignments. So don't be afraid to ask us for help. It's what we do.

3) Books for fun -- Yes, I know that school is a crazy amount of work, and it seems like sometimes you have time for nothing else. But remember, stressing out and not taking time for yourself now and then is a sure way to get overwhelmed by school and...well, life. Reading books for fun can help clear your mind and get you back on track. Not sure what to read? Try starting here.

There's a lot of other cool things we're doing at the library. Check out the full scoop on what's coming up. Good luck in school, and I'll see you at the Library.

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